Communication Protocols


Source Server
Destination Robot
Data Type String
Message Format [message]
Description The server will send a message sent via simple communication to a robot. A pure virtual implementation, receivers will be decided by the simulation server.

robotID: ID number of the robot
message: The message string, max length: 64 chars


Source Server
Destination Robot
Data Type String
Message Format [message]
Description The server will send a message sent via directed communication to a robot. A pure virtual implementation, receivers will be decided by the simulation server.

robotID: ID number of the robot
message: The message string, max length: 64 chars


Source Robot
Destination Server
Data Type JSON
Message Format
{ "id":[robotID], "msg": "This is a sample", "dist":[dist] }
Description The robots can transmit messages to other robots using an pre-implemented transmission protocol. Server will decide the robots who can receive the message.

protocol: simple, direct
robotId: ID number of the robot
message: The message string, max length: 64 chars
dist (optional): maximum distance that message can be sent.